Monday, August 30, 2010

Small Glitch

If you have tried emailing me at the email you were given, you probably know that it's not working at the moment.
You can go ahead and email me at my business address for now, until I can get the doodlebug one working-

Thanks and I hope your week is off to a great start! Be sure and "follow" this blog to get all the latest updates from me in regards to the class :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome to the 2010-2011 Preschool Year!

Welcome to the start of a new school year!
I am excited about being back in the classroom and I am looking forward to a great year. I hope that this letter will help you to know what to expect this year and answer any questions you may have.

First I would like to take this time to introduce myself. My name is Stephanie Hosszu (the kids can call me Miss Stephanie). I am beginning my 10th year as a teacher. I live in Vancouver with my husband John, my three children ( Brynna-9, Caleb-6 and Aiden-2) and two cats (Calvin and Hobbes). I love photography, scrapbooking and reading. I also love to sing and be creative (and I love Starbucks... but who doesn't LOL).

I believe that communication is the key to a great parent-teacher relationship. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time. You can send me a note, email me at or call me at (326-4842). I will also do my part by sending out a newsletter each month via email to update you on what we have been doing in class as well as things that are up coming. For individual concerns, I will contact you by phone, send a note home, or email you.

Please feel free to participate in your child’s preschool year as much as you are able. Helping hands are always needed. Whether it is reading a story to the class, helping with field trips or class parties, or any other participation will enrich our classroom experiences.

I am looking forward to a wonderful and exciting year with you and your child!

Stephanie Hosszu